mac os screen shot

The Macintosh operating system has always made it easy to capture a screenshot (an image of your computer desktop or an active window). Here's a summary of all the methods you can use to capture your screen using Mac OS X. These screen capture methods

相關軟體 Screenphoto 下載

Screenphoto is a useful little app that runs impercibily from your system tray. It can instantly take a snapshot of your screen when you press the Print Screen key on your keyboard; there is no need...

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  • How to Take a Screenshot on a Mac. This wikiHow will show you various ways in which to tak...
    5 Easy Ways to Take a Screenshot in Mac OS X - wikiHow ...
  • The Macintosh operating system has always made it easy to capture a screenshot (an image o...
    Capture a Screenshot With Mac OS X - is the ...
  • I have tried all the methods you suggested, as per help as well... All I get is a black sc...
    How to screen capture in Mac OS | Official Apple Support ...
  • It's easy to take a screenshot on a Mac. Print screen, screengrab or screen capture - ...
    How to take a screenshot on Mac: Print screen or screen capt ...
  • Learn more Screenshots are saved as .png files on the desktop in Mac OS X v10.6 and later....
    How to take a screenshot on your Mac - Apple Support ...
  • If you’re relatively new to the Mac, you may not realize that OS X comes with a full suite...
    How to take screenshots on your Mac | Macworld
  • Mac Chrome OS KDE Plasma GNOME Websites Mac How to take a screenshot on a Mac hold down co...
    Mac - How to take a screenshot
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    [Mac 新手日記] Apple Mac OS X 截圖文書必備快捷鍵教學 ...
  • 在MAC OS平台底下: 擷取全螢幕: 按住鍵盤的command + shift + 3 ,放開後就會自動儲存為png到桌面中。 擷取特定區域: 按住鍵盤的command + sh...
    [MAC]Macbook在MACWin平台下使用PrintScreen擷取畫面|梅問題. ...
  • 更多內容 在 Mac OS X v10.6 和以上版本中,螢幕快照會以 .png 檔案儲存在桌面上,並自動命名為「螢幕快照 日期 時間.png」。 若要將螢幕快照儲存至剪貼板而非桌...
    如何在 Mac 上拍攝螢幕快照 - Apple 支援